Dr. Isaiah J. Fidler Chairman, Department of Cell Biology The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas 77030 U.S.A. |
Isaiah J. Fidler showed by quantitative analysis of labelled tumor cells that these cells are heterogenous and that metastases arise from small groups of preexistent variants in the primary tumor. This and subsequent studies on the clonality of metastases has influenced much contemporary work.
Isaiah J. Fidler was awarded for his major contribution concerning the role of activated macrophages, which discriminate between tumorigenous and nontumorigenous cells and for the studies on the role of membrane phospholipids in this recognition process.
Dr. Lance A. Liotta Laboratory of Pathology National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20892 U.S.A. |
Lance A. Liotta showed a correlation between the metastatic potential of tumor cells and the ability to break down Typ IV basement membrane collagen. He then isolated a Typ IV specific collagenase. He also investigated the role of receptors in metastatic cells which interact with extracellular matrix components (laminin, fibronectin), and he studied a motility factor released by some metastatic tumor cells.
Lance A. Liotta was awarded for his substantial work in the field of metastatic tumor spread involving different approaches.
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